We are seeking Emory students who are native speakers of African American Vernacular English to participate in a research study evaluating chatbot interactions.
UNR4UMR is a summer program to encourage undergraduate research for underrepresented minorities.
Emory NLP is hiring Emory students to test out new conversational AI technology.
Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for chat evaluation.
Emory NLP invites Emory undergraduates to test our social chatbot, Emora.
The Emory CS department invites undergraduates and first-year graduate students to participate in training sessions
Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for annotation related to relation extraction research.
Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for evaluation of Conversational AI-based chatbots.
Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for annotation related to entity recognition research.