We are seeking Emory students who are native speakers of African American Vernacular English to participate in a research study evaluating chatbot interactions.

  •  2024-11-23 07:47 AM

UNR4UMR is a summer program to encourage undergraduate research for underrepresented minorities.

  •  2024-01-15 01:52 PM

Emory NLP is hiring Emory students to test out new conversational AI technology.

  •  2022-11-14 03:48 PM

Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for chat evaluation.

  •  2022-10-25 06:46 PM

Emory NLP invites Emory undergraduates to test our social chatbot, Emora.

  •  2022-09-13 06:42 PM

The Emory CS department invites undergraduates and first-year graduate students to participate in training sessions

  •  2022-09-09 11:23 AM

UNR4UMR is a summer program to encourage undergraduate research for underrepresented minorities.

  •  2022-04-07 07:17 PM

Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for annotation related to relation extraction research.

  •  2022-01-04 11:00 PM

Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for evaluation of Conversational AI-based chatbots.

  •  2022-01-04 11:00 PM

Emory NLP is hiring Emory students for annotation related to entity recognition research.

  •  2021-01-04 11:00 PM