ELIT: Language Toolkit

Emory NLP and AWS GluonNLP have embarked on a collaborative project to develop a cloud-based NLP framework. The primary objective of this initiative is to create a seamless integration of NLP components within a pipeline. By leveraging the power of cloud computing, the framework will enable efficient connectivity and coordination between various NLP modules, allowing for smooth and streamlined processing of natural language data.


  • Jinho Choi - Associate Professor at Emory University
  • Sheng Zha - Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS)




  1. ELIT: Emory Language and Information Toolkit. He, H.; Xu, L.; and Choi, J. D. arXiv, 2109.03903, 2021.
  2. ELIT: The Cloud-based Research Platform Where Anyone Can Deploy Their Models. Lai, G.; Shin, B.; and Choi, J. D. Technical Report, ResearchGate, 2018.