05 Apr

SouthNLP 2024, hosted by Emory University (General Chair: Jinho Choi), proved to be a fruitful and vibrant symposium. With 150+ attendees representing 20+ schools, the event was a resounding success. Heartfelt gratitude goes out to all who participated, and special appreciation is extended to our esteemed keynote speakers, Dr. Kathleen McKeown from Columbia University and Dr. Mohit Bansal from the University of North Carolina.

We've shared photos from the event, so please take a moment to enjoy them:


Sarah Finch (Ph.D. student)

Ellie Paek (left; BS student), Talyn Fan (right; research engineer)

Aaron Zaiman (BS student)

Benjamin Ascoli (Ph.D. student)

Zinc Zhao (BS student)

Peilin Wu (BS student)

Sichang Tu (Ph.D. student)

James Finch (Ph.D. student)

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